About Me

Hello, I am KimChi Tran. I love the number 3 and 13, but I like all of the odd numbers. I was born in Spring. I always come out and play around January to March because I feel those are my lucky months. I love to write about life, it's an exciting thing for me to do. Life is simple, but yet it is a box full of mysterious things. I started writing ever since I was a little kid, I never stopped writing. I got busy over the years, but I had gathered a bit of my writing here and there about my life for my future novel.

I am 31 now, yes... and It's one of my favorite number. I am from Vietnam, and we didn't come here on a boat. I came here with my whole family, my parents and my 4 siblings legally by a big airplane. I was a bit stubborn when I was growing up, I blame that on my father. He is stubborn, too! I am now a mother of three wonderful girls. I graduated from CSUF, majored in many different things. I love technology, but yet I am interested in the function of the mind. I also love languages, at some point in college, I wanted to be a Spanish teacher, but I failed to do the double 'R' sound correctly, so I turned my failure into something positive, I now read and write Spanish. I also know how to sign a little bit. College was a fun playground for me. You probably want to know why I studied American Sign Language. I was walking around campus one day, and this handsome, deaf guy asked me: "Where is the admission office?" He wrote it down on a notebook. I helped him get to the admission office, and decided to take ASL so I can help deaf people. My point is whatever you are deciding to do, make sure you do it for yourself, and make sure that is what you want, not what others want. I spent most of my time wanted to do the things that others wanted, and forgot about what I really wanted for myself. I regret those time I wasted, but I realized what I really wanted, and pursued my dream with all of my heart. I finally reached my destination in life, but I still want to do better each day. I wish to earn my Ph.D real soon in the near future.

I live in Orange County right now, but I move around a lot because of my husband's work. He is an amazing man, he is a devoted father to my children. I like photography, and I often photograph my kids, it is a fun, exciting thing to do. My children are very active, they run, they yell, they fight like monkeys, but they are my joy, and happiness.

I love vintage jewelries, the kind of jewelries that a queen and a king would wear. My husband is a gemologist so he always makes the best piece of jewelry for me. I love blue sapphire, fire opal, Tanzanite, ruby and imperial jadeite. Sometimes the things we love reveal a bit about our true identity. I will write more about this matter in a book someday. One secret about my husband is that nobody knows his mother's real last name. She changed her last name so many times.

I know a lot of people, but only keep those who are loyal, honest, and kind. I hope to open my heart to those who are coming my way in the future. I love the future, and it's an exciting thing for me to imagine how life on earth will be when I am 100 years old. I hope to have many beautiful grandchildren running around, driving me crazy to where I have to turn off my hearing aids.

I believe in reincarnation, and how people meet, have children and live a happy life. I believe in the unbelievable things. Once, I set my mind on something I make sure I finished it. I believe nothing is impossible, and one can achieve anything if one is committed enough.
I don't like people who make excuses for their own behavior. I will often forgive, but I won't forget. I remember birthdays of my friends and family members, and I do wish them happiness on their birthday. I love everyone, even the ones who don't know me. I hope people will have a chance to know me better. Life is not about hating, but embracing it with love and compassion so we can live longer.
I am thankful for those in my past who taught me to be stronger, and wiser. I am looking forward to meeting the wonderful people who I didn't meet. I would love to meet Prince William and Kate, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerburg, Jim Parsons, Adriana Lima, Milla Jovovich, my husband's aunts, and President Barack Obama.

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